Name: La Enfance de Becassine© (The Childhood of Becassine©)
Description: 12"; all felt; fully jointed; molded felt face with hand painted features; mohair wig. Dressed in felt and cotton provincial costume with felt and leather boots.
Date of Release: 2006
Edition Notes: Ltd. Ed. 400. Made under special permission from the copyright holder and publisher, Gautier-Languereau/Hachette Jeunesse, for an exclusive UFDC (United Federation of Doll Clubs) dinner event held during the 57th annual UFDC National Convention, Dallas, TX.
Name: Joel
Description: 13"; all felt; fully jointed; molded felt face with hand painted features; mohair wig. Dressed in felt and cotton provincial costume with leather boots.
Date of Release: 2006
Edition Notes: Ltd. Ed. 250. Companion piece to the Becassine doll made for a UFDC (United Federation of Doll Clubs) dinner event held during the UFDC National Convention, Dallas, TX.
There are production photos for Joel!
There are production photos for La Enfance de Becassine©!
©R.JOHN WRIGHT DOLLS, INC. All rights reserved.