The “Four Seasons” series was created for the R. John Wright 2013 Convention. “Spring” was the convention souvenir and mostly all one hundred pieces were sold. “Summer, Fall, & Winter” were introduced at the convention and orders were filled accordingly. This is one of John’s favorite series. Unfortunately due to the demands of other projects at the time, we were unable to finish the edition of 100 sets. A brief respite has allowed us to finish the last of the edition and a limited number will be available soon. If you missed out on the first release, place your order now for one or all of these very limited darling children.
Name: Spring
Description: 7 1/2" tall, fully jointed, made of felt with hand painted features and mohair wig. Vintage-style costume of organdy party dress, felt bonnet, and hand-cobbled leather shoes. Holds a tiny felt bunny w/jointed neck and glass eyes.
Date of Release: 2013
Edition Notes: Limited Edition 100. The souvenir of the 2013 R. John Wright "Four Seasons" Convention. Part of the Four Season series of cabinet-size child dolls.
Name: Summer
Description: 7 1/2" tall, fully jointed, made of felt with hand painted features and mohair wig. Vintage-style costume of matching suit and hat made of cotton trimmed in felt, hand-cobbled leather shoes. Includes a miniature replica of a mid-century High Flyer kite handcrafted of paper and wood w/a rag tail.
Name: Fall
Description: 7 1/2" tall, fully jointed, made of felt with hand painted features and mohair wig. Vintage-style costume of felt sweater and pleated skirt, felt tam, cotton socks and hand-cobbled leather shoes. Includes a miniature felt dachshund puppy with a jointed neck, glass eyes and a leather leash.
Name: Winter
Description: 7 1/2" tall, fully jointed, made of felt with hand painted features and mohair wig. Vintage-style felt snowsuit, hat, scarf, mittens, and hand-cobbled leather boots. Includes a wooden sled made at the RJW workshop.
Standard Summer, Fall, & Winter available through RJW authorized dealers
There are production photos for The Four Seasons