The Premiere Series consisted of four children dolls. Measuring 17" tall, fully jointed, and made entirely of wool felt, the dolls featured molded faces sculpted by R. John Wright to evoke the early child dolls produced by the Margarete Steiff Toy Factory in the early 1900's. With hand painted features, inset glass eyes, mohair wigs, and individually sewn fingers, the dolls were dressed in detailed clothing and accessories made of the finest materials in designs reflective of their German heritage.
The Steiff Kinder were produced by R. John Wright Dolls in a worldwide limited edition of 500 pieces each and distributed internationally by Steiff. The dolls featured the trademark Steiff button in ear as well as the customary brass 'RJW' button - a 'first' for both companies. The Steiff Kinder were individually boxed with accompanying signed and numbered certificate of authenticity. "Lukas" - shown in the picture above - was the first doll in the collection.
There are more production photos for Lukas!
©R.JOHN WRIGHT DOLLS, INC. All rights reserved.