2011 Convention

2011 Convention


THE THIRD ANNUAL R. JOHN WRIGHT CONVENTION, was held from June 1-4, 2011 at the historic Desmond Hotel in Albany, New York. The  Convention included special Programs, Dynamic Dialogues, Workshops, Exhibits, and Meal Events - all centered around treasured holidays. Festivities got off to a start Wednesday evening with a "Luck O' the Irish" St. Patrick's Day Welcome Reception followed by the Grand Opening of the convention Salesroom featuring top dealers from across the country.

The following day, a chartered bus ride transported guests to Bennington, Vermont where guests were given a personal tour of the R. John Wright Workshop and Design Studio. Under a festival tent overlooking the lovely Vermont countryside, the assembled registrants partook of a catered "Fourth of July" barbecue. At dusk, the skys were lit with a spectacular fireworks display.

Back at the hotel from Thursday through Saturday, guests were offered complimentary movie screenings with theatre seating and free snacks and activities ranging from special programs and seminars to workshops and ticketed meal events centered around favorite Holidays celebrated throughout the year. All the meal events featured special favors, centerpieces, and door prizes among them: A Valentine's Day High Tea; an Easter Morning Breakfast; a Victorian Yuletide Dinner; and a Halloween Masquerade Luncheon where guests entered a costume competition. A Special Exhibit and a Competitive Exhibit with awards were also open for viewing and the exciting salesroom was open to the general public on Saturday.

The Convention's final banquet, an elegant New Year's Eve Gala, featured a delightful program by UFDC member Loretta Nardone on "Holiday Traditions" and the presentation of the eagerly-awaited convention souvenir doll to each fully registered guest. The souvenir was a darling 12" all-felt Scootles doll named "Celebration Scootles", outfited in a organdy party dress with leather shoes and a festive New Year's hat. A boy Scootles companion was available for separate purchase

Also in Previous R John Wright Conventions

2021 Convention
2021 Convention

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2019 Convention
2019 Convention

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2018 Convention
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